Sunday, 24 March 2013

Plymouth - Dressing Room to Curtain Call

This week we have been at the wonderful and luxuriously spacious Theatre Royal, Plymouth. Having tackled the show minus swing door and DSR arch last week, it was comforting to find, on arrival at the theatre, that they had been restored to their rightful places.

Not only have we been spoilt with space onstage, but backstage we really could have set up a Benchball tournament. (If you didn't see previous Benchball video, do take a look, you won't be disappointed :-)

Backstage Sports Arena

We've had sunny strolls down the seafront, excursions up Smeaton's Tower and a lovely (thoroughly recommended) lunch at The Refectory Bar. With 8 shows, Understudy rehearsals and the rebirth of 9 square, we've had a very jolly old time.

View from the Citadel

This week I thought I would take you on my personal journey through the play. You could say my main role is Lisette Azaire, but I also play the Prostitute as well as the integral "Set Wench." (A character created purely for set moving purposes, but one with an extensive backstory.) Many of us play more than one character, so have a less than straightforward journey through the play. When starting out in Basingstoke, there was often a confused actor in the wings wondering quite who they were appearing on stage as next, and with what piece of furniture. The reason for this being that we, as our characters, move the furniture to aid the transitions from one world into another. If you have seen the production, you will know that it is structured as a memory play; moving from 1916 back to 1910 throughout all of Act 1. What we have tried to do is make the transitions as much part of each scene as possible by moving the set in character aided by appropriate music, sound effects and lighting.


18:00 - I arrive at the theatre!


18:07 - Having had a brew, us girlies start hair and make up (a tricky and time consuming business.)

Poppy, Polly, Sarah, Emily

18.20 - Having curled my hair, Sarah then comes and plaits it for me. Some much needed Mother/Daughter time before the show :-)

18.30 - WARM-UP. A call is put out to our dressing rooms summoning us to the stage for the 20 minute warm up, led by the lovely Tim VE. Sometimes we do a straight vocal session, sometimes Poppy will start with yoga and if we have time, we often play a concentration game at the end. Not only is it practical in terms of preparing to go on stage, but it is an important time for us to come together as a cast before the show.

18.50 - The half. This is the time when the stage has to be cleared as front of house is about to start letting the audience in. We will get another call come through to the dressing room along the lines of "The house is now open. The house is now open, please do not cross the stage."

19.15 - By this time, all going well, we are ready to go down to the stage. I begin the show as "Set Wench" and have my first appearance with Poppy so we are normally milling about Stage Left going through our lines and double checking we have everything we need to start the show.

Me and Poppy preparing for the show to start

1) Pheeeww - First set change done. Liam, Emily and I now have some quality time Stage Left before Set Change number 2.

Polly, Liam, Emily ;-)

2) Set Change number 2 - operation remove gramophone...

Pheeww, I didn't drop it.

3) 2 Set Changes done - now Lisette time! Sarah is there to help me zip up, a tricky business.

Once safely in Lisette dress, I help Charlie and Josh with their quick change before preparing for transition into first French memory scene (during which I run on with this chair and chase Charlie off in a rather competitive game of tag) We then run on a few lines later to play the scene. These touches do help us get into character - especially when I catch him, ha!

4) Having set, played and exited the scene, I then run on to remove said chair, whilst scene moves back to 1916.

5) Next stop - Azaire drawing room. I have a very special connection with this chair as over the next half an hour I place and strike (remove) it rather a lot. In fact a great deal of my stage time involves setting this chair. It is also rather comfy should one need to take a load off.

Me and my chair

6) With drawing room chair suitably placed and struck, it is now time for water gardens I shoot off round the back to Stage Right to find picnic basket. Whilst some props are edible, sadly the scones are not :-(

7) Water gardens done and wooden figure acquired ;-) it is now time for transition back into Azaire drawing room. This time it is not chair that needs setting, but table...

8) Scene done and Stephen's hand suitably dressed ;-) it is now time to change into prostitute whilst setting Lisette costume for my quick change straight afterwards...

Lisette prepared...

Prostitute ready...

9) Prostitute done. Quick change done. Now time for Lisette scene...

10) Lisette scene done. Now a mini break (bout 10 mins) before we come down to accompany letter writing scene. Although we've done it over 60 times now, this never seems to lose its poignancy. It is one of the few moments in the show when things backstage are not manic as everyone is involved in either the scene or the offstage singing. It is very much an ensemble moment.

11) Singing done, it is now time for the reveal scene where I again bring on my trusty drawing room chair. Once scene is complete, I strike chair and that is me done for Act 1!

21.00(ish) - INTERVAL

Time to touch up make up, grab a drink, (maybe a biscuit...) and get back into "Set Wench" in preparation for Act 2 - which is somewhat calmer for me as I have a bit more time between scenes/set changes...

1) On as SW for transition out of bar scene...

2) Quick change into Lisette for super slick set change with Malcolm - we have it down to a fine art ;-)

3) Change into Prostitute for Ghosts Singing Scene...

Caught slightly off guard...

4) Back into Lisette for memory scene...

5) 22.10 - On for the Curtain Call!

Empty auditorium. Until tomorrow night....

22.20 - Once speedily out of costume, it is off to the bar for a wee snifter before bed. zzzzzzzzzz

Next week we are at The New Wolsey Theatre, Ipswich for the last venue before our week off - time flies when you're having fun! I am told a certain Mr Faulks is due to drop in so this time I will be sure to get a pic! Until then X

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